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Saturday, March 28, 2020

"Chasing the Bag" Often The Lesson is inside the Message, not the Messenger.

When we hear folks say, "I am securing the bag." Do many of us understand what we need or what we're missing to get that accomplished? Often we judge the messenger and miss the whole message.

Proverbs 10:4 (NIV)4 Lazy hands make for poverty,
but diligent hands bring wealth.

Check out this video a Facebook friend of mine, Dr. Melinda Harper,  posted. She teaches a course on creating streams of income, and she started the conversation with this video. 
BTW, here is the link to 

The video is funny because her complaints are crass but very real. Many of us were never exposed to the creation of the multiple streams of income mentioned in this video or, as mentioned in the Bible.
Many of our elders didn't store or pass on that knowledge or the resources for us either. Now in crisis, we're hurting. We'll have to find a way to change the current way of thinking and fix the sins of those before us. This new health crisis is doing that; many are being forced to adapt to the times, and hence new ideas and methods are created, which opens the door to various streams of income.
Sadly many of those who freed themselves from the bondage of their oppressors have given way to their grandchildren picking up the mantle of oppression and promote and connect to the descendants of those who stole from us.
The young lady in the video is not wrong; her delivery needs some work.
The Lord once got on us for wanting a King, when we had Him, Jesus came at the church folks of his day for their behavior, and now, many want to look to Him when we didn't learn from the Word he gave us that we should have multiple streams of income to sustain ourselves and in His name.
We of the body have to fix this, and this young lady is really saying, "if my elders built the bridgers they were supposed to, there would be no need for this video, and I would know how to get the bag to chase me." IJS

As a man of God, I am working on the very things I am speaking about in this post. I am recreating my publishing company Bravin Publishing LLC, to offer more to the authors who turn to us for the services they need to self publish their books without work,
I am building Bravin Consultants into the counseling and therapy practice, which can help others. I was able to get my mentor program in a local detention center. When the virus ban is lifted, I'll return to conducting the program, I am still offering therapy to families, children, singles, and couples. You can set up a counseling session by going to

So as you watch the video and read this blog post, consider where you are with your job or your current streams of income and ask yourself, what are you doing to add to it, refine it, or simple stabilize it to help secure your future as they say "Secure the Bag."

Coming soon is Keith "K. L." Belvin's new book "Lukewarm Saint 2: Fox in the Hen House


To contact Keith "K.L." Bevin, MHSC, MS Ed. 
for  Personal or Family Counseling  / Coaching Sessions (1st half an hour is free), Prayer request, Interviews, Panel Discussions, or Speaking Engagements call 
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Make sure you check out Keith's books. Click the book to order from the website. 


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